Tag Archives: mistakes

Look ahead!

Have you ever tried driving a car looking only through the rear-view mirror?  Doubtful if you have any sense of self-preservation, right?

Then why do some insist on holding on to the past – on looking back and dwelling over past mistakes?

To embrace the fresh new life that lies ahead of you, look beyond the hurts and losses of past mistakes.  Focus on the lessons – and move on!


Thanks Jennifer Tobler for the picture.

Failure – the new success?

Thomas Edison’s 10,000 failed attempts before inventing the light-bulb has been overused for good reason.  In this video, the car manufacturer Honda does a great job at showing how failure is an integral part of anyone’s path to success.  In essence, it’s when you’re not failing, that you’re a failure.  

Why? Because when you push your own limits, walk on the edge and take risks, failure is a possibility. Following that logic, if you never fail, it means that you haven’t pushed yourself far enough or taken enough risks.  Those who have succeeded know that transcending their own glass ceiling and taking risks is part of the package of success.  

Know that for failure to lead to success, you must be open to the lessons that failure leaves. Be diligent about tracking and learning the lessons of your mistakes. That is how you will improve.

I’d LOVE to learn about your own failures.